HD PENTAX-FA 31mmF1.8 Limited

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  • $849.95
  • Regular price $1,049.95

An exceptional lens that delivers the sharp, high-contrast, well-defined images that faithfully depict the ambience of the scene — even to the very tips of a bare tree’s branches in winter.

This lens has a 31mm focal length, which provides a slightly broader angle of view than more conventional 35mm lenses, to expand the possibilities of wide-angle photography.

This lens inherits the proven optics of the smc PENTAX-FA 31mm F1.8AL Limited, and incorporates high-grade optical components — such as glass-molded, aspherical elements and high-refraction, low-dispersion glass elements — to deliver sharp, well-defined images of small subjects, such as the very tips of a bare, leafless tree’s branches in winter. To further improve imaging power, it also features a newly applied HD coating to produce clear, crisp images even under demanding conditions, and a completely round-shaped diaphragm to deliver a natural, beautiful bokeh (defocus) effect from open aperture to F3.5. While retaining the outstanding optical performance of the smc PENTAX-FA 31mm F1.8AL Limited, PENTAX has upgraded the imaging power by paying meticulous attention to the details that can’t simply be measured in numbers alone, and also by applying the SP coating to the front optical element to improve the water/grease-repellent and scratch-resistant performance for easier maintenance.